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Currently OKC's Sales Tax for operations and maintenance is at a rate of 2.875% distributed as:
2 cents for the General Fund (all departments): hasn't been increased since 1976
3/4 cents for public safety
1/8 cent for the zoo
One additional cent (for a total tax rate of 3.875%) is reserved for capital improvements through the MAPS program. Shadid proposes to do the following with this one cent when MAPS3 expires in December:
1/4 cent goes away (bringing the total sales tax in OKC to 3.6% since it was 3.875% and 0.25% is being removed)
1/4 cent is added on a permanent basis to the 3/4 cent public safety tax for the sole purpose of hiring police/fire personnel
1/2 cent goes to the General Fund on a temporary 2-4 year basis which represents an effective 25% increase in the budget of every department in the City. This reverses the 10% across the board cuts over a one year period and allows an increase in city services in virtually every neighborhood in the city.