Quote Originally Posted by Bits_Of_Real_Panther View Post
Should a streetcar route replicate a successfule bus route, i've been wondering if the embark system should run a bricktown to midtown route to get those folks used to a route like the streetcar plans propose, i get maybe thats the wrong approach if in fact the bus and streetcar are intended to serve different crowds. The best I can find is the 050 "Downtown Discovery" route, it runs from the Downtown Transit Center to the Bass Pro and back around thru B-town, its sort of part of the streetcar route. I can't find a bus route that runs up toward Saint Anthony, or that part of Midtown.
http://embarkok.com/use/schedules?route=050 heres that 050 route its like half of the streetcar route.
edit: the 050 route is free and for some reason it doesn't being operating until 10 A.M. on most days, and of course like all the busses doesn't operate on sundays.
I agree that would be a good idea and would probably help promote ridership and early adopters.