Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
I don't want to hijack the thread either but just think if the criminals didn't have a gun in the first place..

Hard to carjack with a knife especially if the windows were up and the doors were locked.

Not to mention, after torturing these two poor kids, they were killed by a gun.. shot multiple times.

Anyway, I just thought it was ironic that the original crime started ( as it often does) with a gun.

I emailed Sharpton.. and asked

'Where's the outrage?' I doubt I'll get an answer.

I imagine if a bunch of caucasion guys acted 'outraged' (in Sharpton, Jackson fashion) , the race card would be utilized.

It's such a horrible crime....and it's such a sad double standard. We should be outraged.

Anyone have a website for these victims?
Karrie, I did the same. I found his link at the National Action Network. This IS an outrage. You are right, of course, that to be outraged will in itself be turned around to be racist. Whew.
