Was reviewing building permits recently and noticed three new entries listed for the address of 9001 S. May, which would be the SW corner of the intersection of S. May and 89th...

Two of the permit applications appeared to be identical (or I simply overlooked the difference), but each is for a $700,000 new construction project. I'm thinking perhaps they were redundant applications or one was technically flawed and its replacement was already filed (?? speculation on my part). A third permit was for a ~$15,000 remodel of an existing retail structure.

The applicant is listed as Chong Branson w/7-11, so that immediately led me to speculate perhaps one of the "new" 7-11 stores (like the one in Moore) is going in to replace the existing 7-11 on that corner? Seems to me a $700K for a new build would suggest they're going to ditch the existing structure, and a lot of those 7-11's are getting fairly old...

Anyone have any other info?