Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
Seems like your main issue is with OSU, although even as an OU alum I can say that your experience does not jive at all with the OSU grads I know.
It's not OSU specifically, all though I can speak to it more personally. I have experience at a few other "lesser" schools in the state (all public).

My issue with it (aside from what I have already stated) is that I didn't get anything out of gen ed classes that I didn't already know. I actually paid attention in high school. And what classes I still did have to take in college (didn't have to do Math & Science as I had jumped straight to higher courses) were a rehash of what I did in high school. And I went to a small rural school with no official AP courses (although that level was taught particularly in math and science coincidental). While everyone may not be that exceptional, shouldn't we expect it if they are going to attend "prestigious" universities?

And like it was said above, why should we expect 18 year old's to acquire this, why should we expect 18 and 19 year old's to be able to take it any better. Is one year that much of a change?

Again, it is an insult to our secondary education system, not just Oklahoma's in this case, that's another discussion all together.