A headquarters hotel is optimally adjacent to a conference/convention center where an event is happening, though for some meetings an HQ hotel itself provides the meeting space. When booking meetings/conferences/conventions, a planner will look for a hotel that can provide a block of rooms, usually reserved for organization officials, presenters, vendors and attendees, in that order.

Most larger conferences or conventions will also negotiate discounted room rates elsewhere if possible. The largest are known as citywides, which fill rooms throughout the city, only a small portion of which might be discounted, with discounted rooms being booked on a first-come-first-served basis after prioritized attendees are booked.

A HQ hotel usually also has its own meeting space, which might also be booked as a part of an event (breakout sessions or annual board meetings of presenting org are examples of what might be booked here).

In the case of an attached CC hotel, very often the hotel itself also provides the catering/services for the convention center.