Noticed in this past Sunday paper an ad from Sprint promoting a new wireless plan: The Unlimited Freedom Plan.

The pricing structure is different in different cities, but Oklahoma seems to be the most aggressive price plan being offered (Phoenix also is offering the same price).

The headline is $50 each for the first two lines and $25 for the 3rd or more lines.

They are promoting unlimited everything via this plan.

A Google search reveals some industry blogs that are chatting this up as a last ditch effort for Sprint to more aggressively compete with the bigger boys in the wireless market space.

The fine print though shows that video streaming will be throttled down to 480p and it looks like you're also going to have to pay monthly for your physical phone (as opposed to a contract discount - this is pretty common now amongst carriers).

Regardless, its a pretty competitive price and it looks like they picked Oklahoma to test it out.

Just throwing it out there since this offer could go away at most any time.