Update on the Spring Creek Trail:

Construction of the Spring Creek Trail is moving forward, said Assistant City Manager Steve Commons. Groundbreaking for the paved, multiuse Spring Creek Trail at Arcadia Lake was in October.

The Spring Creek Trail will cover 3.1 miles beginning just north of Fox Lake Lane, and running east along the creek to Spring Creek Park at Arcadia Lake. This key trail will be the connection point to the future Arcadia Lake Trail encompassing the lake.

“We found one area where we had a conflict with a utility gas line that we have to work around,” Commons said. “I think we’ve got solutions.”

A soft area of ground has been discovered on the trail that brings concerns about placement of the trail, he said. The city recently authorized the soil analysis and drilling in the boggy soil, Commons told members of the Capital Projects and Financing Task Force.

“If you’ve been out there walking it’s fine. You can see where it’s going to go,” Commons said. “They’re working on both ends of it trying to get things going.”

If the problem cannot be solved soon the city may consider adding a bridge over the soft soil.

Read more here: http://www.edmondsun.com/news/spring...1e41841ad.html