From Chris Sheridan, ESPN insider:

"There is a very, very small chance that the SuperSonics have played their last game in Seattle. I'm told that at a meeting Tuesday with more than 100 Sonics employees, owner Clay Bennett said he was "99 percent" certain the team will be back in Seattle for the start of the 2007-08 season. Now, the last time I recall anyone in the NBA saying they were 99 percent certain of something, it was when Michael Jordan retired from the Chicago Bulls. And we all know how permanent that ended up being. I also heard it is not a slam dunk that Bennett will move the Sonics to Oklahoma City, even though every single member of his ownership group is from there. Apparently, Kansas City is so eager to get a flagship tenant for its new arena, signals have been sent to Bennett and a handful of other owners that the deal they could get in K.C. would be far superior from an economic standpoint to whatever deal any of them might make elsewhere."