Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
And there we are...

There are plenty of reasons not to like this episode, or even much of this season beyond folks "just wanting to know now". There was some lazy decision making, the plotting through the finale was terrible IMO. They packed in as many commercials as they could (can't blame them with the ratings they were expecting, but still). Negan to me, and how he was portrayed, was the one high point. The infinitely running winnebago was the low point. The inconsistency is probably one of the things that make folks the most frustrated. When it's good, it's damn good, but when it's bad...

I was expecting a grand finale type of season ending show and was let down.
Most of it was pretty slow.

I have heard Glen got the club then Daryl since he is starting a new show and then I heard it was a zombie. So I guess we wait to see. I don't know when it's coming back on but it seems like they sure take long vacations between shows. I assume it's back on in Sept.?