I am considering helping sponsor a MAPS 4 Neighborhoods event next Tuesday, April 5th, starting around 6:30PM.

It would likely be at a local bar and would be similar to the previous public meetings on this subject, but aimed more at our posters in the hope we could make it fun and social and also get input on this import matter.

For those who don't know, MAPS 4 Neighborhoods is a grass-roots effort to gain community feedback for possibly setting aside a good portion of the next MAPS proceeds (estimated to be near $1 billion) for all areas of OKC, not just downtown.

I personally attended a meeting and was very impressed. It's very interactive and in charette style where small groups are formed to brainstorm on ideas, then they are quickly presented to the entire group.

Please respond; your vote is not a commitment of any sort and your vote will not be revealed.

The meeting portion of the night will only take about an hour but hopefully people will stay and socialize as well.