Has anyone here successfully quit smoking? I'm trying right now and am resolved that I will actually quit for good this time.

I've tried cold turkry before, but the stress of my job makes that almost impossible from day one. So this time I'm trying it a little differently. I stopped smoking in the evenings over the weekend, so I was only having one or two during the day.

This morning I brought four cigarettes with me. One I smoked on my way to work. I had half of one at my morning break (which comes around 10:00, when I'm most stressed), had a whole cigarette at lunch, and another half at my 3:00 break. That leaves me one for the drive home.

Tomorrow I'm going to cut out the mid morning and mid afternoon smoke and go with three for the whole day. Gonna do that for a few days and see how it goes.

Any advice from those of you who have quit before?
