In response to a citizen-led initiative to create a more pedestrian friendly Classen Boulevard between Reno and NW 23rd Street, a steering committee was created named A Better Classen, comprising of local residents and stakeholders.

The committee organized two public meetings and ran public engagement meetings with housing associations, businesses, non-profits, and concerned citizens. Under the direction of Councilwoman Meg Salyer, the committee engaged the City of Oklahoma City's Planning Department, the local chapter of the Urban Land Institute (ULI), and the Institute for Quality Communities (IQC) at the University of Oklahoma.

After meeting and hearing from over three hundred Oklahoma City citizens, IQC composed an 80-page document highlighting areas, methods, and strategies associated with holistically addressing N. Classen. Upon presentation to Councilwoman Salyer and the Planning Department, Councilwoman Salyer requested the Steering Committee formally memorialize several short-term and long-term action items.

In a telephone interview, Councilwoman Salyer told OKCTalk she hopes to find funding the City's general budget for some of the smaller projects, while the larger items may become part of next year's general obligation bond.

Salyer added, "I am delighted with the outcome and whole process. This is a great example of a grassroots movement creating great placemaking on Classen."


Short/ Near Term:

1. East/West access across 16th St.

2. East/ West access (bike box) on 18th across Classen

3. Consistent development patterns on the West side of Classen/ Zoning overlay.

4. Close both turn lanes between 5th and 6th. Utilize a false median.

Long Term:

1. Connected sidewalks from NW 23rd to Reno on both sides of Classen. A block-by-block overview must be done to assess width of each sidewalk.

2. Shared Bus and Bike lane utilizing one of the existing lanes on each side of Classen.

3. Street art/ Mural along the retaining wall between NW 9th St and NW 7th Street.