Quote Originally Posted by brianinok View Post
And if someone is so incredibly worried about the decor of a department store (and Von Maur doesn't make the cut) rather than the merchandise I assume you don't shop in any Oklahoma department stores. Well, the Dillard's at Penn Square might be fine, but after that and Von Maur they go downhill fast. Von Maur is great because it's new, clean, well-lit, fresh carpet, has seating spaces, and you can actually walk between racks of clothing (you often can't at Dillard's).
I think the decor of the QSM Macy's and Dillard's is a legitimate complaint. Both stores have not been updated since at least the 1980s. The PSM locations are fine though in that department. As for Von Maur, I don't have any issues with the decor there. I can see why some might consider it dated, but its still pretty nice. For me, I haven't found a lot of merchandise I like there.