Please check out the following quote from the Ways and Means Comm Chairwoman in Washington!.....Few things get me riled up but for a senior congresswoman to say this is inexcusable

Ways and Means Chairwoman Margarita Prentice, D-Renton, said those who criticized the plan because it does not provide assurances that the team will not pull up stakes ten years from now are underestimating the strength of the region.

"Why would anybody leave here and go to Oklahoma City? Have you ever been to Oklahoma City? I have," Prentice said.

Here is the link to the story if you would like it verified first

Sonics bill makes progress in Legislature

Here is a link to a form you can email to her...I've already sent one to let her know that we have been following the Sonics situation closely and I have seen numerous derogatory shots at us from Sonics fans, but for a Committee Chairwoman to say that is over the line

E-mail Senator Margarita Prentice

I have requested a response back so if I do get one I will post it....Let's let her hear from us that are stuck here in this crappy city