Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
Parking garage on the streetcar route is good.
I guess in the short term it is, but it would seem to me the purpose of the street car is to remove the automobile from the equation and if you put a parking garage to support the street car, you literally just took a problem you wanted to solve and hid it behind a pretty facade.

I'm sure you've gathered by now that I am not against cars in fact if you look in another post I am advocating for a highway loop around Edmond, but I still think that building more parking downtown is the wrong way to go. I get that people have to have a way downtown which is fine, but I think we should place are bets in getting commuter and light-rail going so they can leave their cars in the suburbs where parking garages belong and not in downtown Oklahoma City.

Anyways, it looks cool and I think it will add a great streetwall. I would really like it if they took the number of parking floors from 6 down to 2 and went with ground level retail and 4 stories of housing.