This is so typical...
Your argument is completely classic straw man.
THis is NOT about evangelism vs fundamentalism... you WISH it was. You are trying to MAKE it about that. LIFECHRUCH.TV has brainwashed you into thinking that it IS about fundamentalism vs evangelism...
That's the problem with you LIFECHURCH'ers. You are so arrogant and self-enthralled that you truly believe that every other church does it wrong, and you are the only ones doing it right. You paint anyone who disagrees with you to be on the same side as "satan" because he hates lifechurch too.
You pat yourselves on the back and say "see, look what we've done!!! WE'VE brought people to the Lord. WE'VE done it the right way. WE'VE been the ones who are evangelists. WE are the ones who have figured it out. just count all the people, count all the campuses, check out all the web traffic."
It sickens the Lord.
That's not what its about. Its not about numbers. Its not about how many "church" campuses you have. Its certainly, and most importantly not about YOU. That is the one thing this IS about. THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU.
IT's supposed to be about Jesus, but He is significantly absent from everything you do. Yes, Craig may talk the talk from time to time on the pulpit, but for the most part, what's the old saying, ACTIONS speak louder than words??!!
You put Lifchurch's logo on everything you sell at your church, and don't kid yourself honey, you don't corner the market on the whole "satan hates so and so church". It really doesn't make you Ghandi to not charge for that.
But in conclusion, Don't kid yourself by easily calling everyone here a "fundamentalists" because we follow the teachings in the Scripture, the words of the Apostles themselves, because we believe that the early Church had it the right way, and your Americanized glamorized broadwayized corporate sloganized wal-mart way of doing things has missed the point entirely.