Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
Yeah, and the time to start planning is now. Secure the new ROW. Even if today they decided they wanted a highway there, it probably wouldn't even start construction for another 3-5 years and that'd be with bonds. ODOT really needs to get it's planning stuff in order. Once the whole north-north west side gets filled in along with North Edmond, this area will truly become a nightmare for traffic as no freeway is nearby. Honestly, they should have built a 4 lane highway here back in the 90's.
Well with Waterloo not a highway it's not even a blip on ODOT's map. The way they work is the localities approach ODOT with what they want along the local rights-of-way and that's how things get started. I remember about 10 years ago talking with some folks in-the-know about atleast getting Waterloo milled and overlayed which eventually happened, but I understand it was a nightmarish mess having Oklahoma and Logan counties working together on funding it, backing out of commitments, etc. They had approached ODOT with the standard 80/20 match (80%fed/20%local funds) where Okla/Logan were to split the 20% but it kept falling through. And that was just to mill and overlay. Logan county didn't want to pay equal amount to the Oklahoma county amount b/c they were too obsessed with the fact that there were more Oklahoma County residents that would utilize the road than Logan. Anyway, not to ramble, but apparently getting the two counties to work together is the problem and that's what will need to happen for anything to happen on Waterloo, with the exception of Waterloo's connections to highways.

Now that's not to say that the Planning Division at ODOT shouldn't have their 2025 vision (or whatever it is called this year) with an eye on some sort of northern loop....