After 5 years living and working in Oklahoma, I have accepted a great job opportunity back in my home state of Florida. I have really enjoyed living in Oklahoma, but its time for me to get back to the place I'm from. Below I'll list some things I liked/disliked about living in Oklahoma


1) Bricktown: A lot of people on this site like to say whats wrong with Bricktown, but if it went for Bricktown I wouldnt have hung around this state as long as I did. I live in Bricktown, and living there for the past 5 years has been a blast.

2) Cost of living: The cost of living in this state is generally pretty reasonable, and a night on the town with a date can be had for under 100 bucks easily. Hard to say that about other metro areas.

3) The People: I have encounterd many great people in my 5 years here. Generaly speaking, the people of Oklahoma are super nice.

4) NBA downtown: Honestly, this is one of the big factors that kept me around for the last year and a half. Living across the street from an NBA area was great. Hopefully for your sake, a new team will be back soon.

5) The women: Gotta say, there are some beautiful women in Oklahoma! I will always support that position!


1) Cost of living downtown: I've said it before, the prices of condos downtown are outrageous, and thats one of the main things that drove me from the city. I have rented downtown for 5 years and I am really ready to buy a place. I can buy a place near the beach in Florida for about the price of a lot of the places downtown. Also, the new job I have accepted(same field) in Florida pays about 20% more than the position I have been in here. Living anywhere else in OKC I would have been bored out of my mind, and at the salary I am making here, I couldnt afford 250,000+ for a condo. The problem is, salarys in Oklahoma are not up to par with salaries of other major cities. However, the price of living downtown is going up. Hopefully for the sake of people wanting to live downtown, one of the 2 areas will correct itself.

2) Not really much to do: Found many a day when there wasnt a whole lot to do. For some people thats not a problem, but I always like having something to do. I also may be because the things I love to do, I am not able to do here. (fish, surf, beach, ect.)

3) Weather: I hate cold weather!

As I have said, I really enjoyed the excitment of living here the last 5 years and it was a great experience for me. But, I have been a fish out of water for to long now, and its time to return! I wish nothing but the best for Oklahoma City and the people of Oklahoma. I leave physically, but a part of me will always remain. I'll stop by every now and then to see whats going on. Good luck Oklahoma City!