My daughter has been (severely) twisting my arm about getting a dog.

In my entire 51 years on planet Earth, I've never owned a pet. So this is uncharted ground - and I've not yet totally sold myself on it

Momentum seems to be around either a basset hound or a beagle-basset mix (referred to, apparently, as "bagle hounds?"). I've done some reading on various breeds, and it does seem to me a Basset would be a pretty good fit for my general personality - maybe go for a walk, maybe kick back

I live in a suburban neighborhood with a decent but not monstrous backyard, and any dog will need to (generally) learn to spend his time outside - at this point, I'm not sure I'm an "indoor dog" person. And I know how important it is for a dog to be able to play and get proper exercise, and I surely don't want to get a dog and make him or her miserable as a result. That's, as an example, why I'd likely never consider a beautiful Golden Retriever - I think they'd just get bored to death - and I'm sure I'm not ready for that *size* of dog. But I must admit the idea of a big ol Basset snoozing in the living room is pretty fun as well.

So I'm looking for feedback about Bassets and Bagles - good and bad, honest, frank, all that. They seem like good home dogs, maybe a little drooly, maybe a little stubborn, but from what I can tell they're generally pretty affable in family settings. And, no, I have no timetable for doing this. I'm trying to do my due diligence ahead of time and avoid a bad, rushed decision I'd later regret.
