Quote Originally Posted by TU 'cane View Post
As long as OGE kicks up, it'll be darn close with the convention center hotel (which we can safely hope may be more than 200 feet, right?) also popping up.
As long as these three get going, the rest won't matter if you're after the skyline presence. Because that'll be 3 decent sized towers to the west and will still create the pyramid affect that Hines was going after.

The cost of land in the core has skyrocketed since MAPS I, we spent $16 million for land acquisition for those initial projects (arena, ballpark, library, canal).

The land costs will eventually force developers to build up. They'll need parking & less landscape. Look for a 600-plus room conference hotel, 425 feet range, (twice the height of the Renaissance) with room for a future 2nd hotel; possibly a twin conference hotel tower development.

Oklahoma City - Metropolitan Area Projects (MAPS)