Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
This thread is almost comical. The top 1/10 of 1% who own a hugely disproportionate amount of our wealth, must truly laugh at people like some of these posters that try to throw in a successful person making executive wages with those of the investor class and the hoarders of wealth. They really don't need to be held up as virtues of "success." They are killing our republic! I think more than a few of you made one too many trips to the old Enterprise Square museum and bought all that propaganda.

The simplicity of thinking, that sounds like an 8th grade economics class taught by material provided by WalMart and the United States Chamber of Commerce, is mind boggling. The obscene statistics are everywhere, yet you bring up how we are merely envious, or need to open up a passbook savings account, set a little aside each paycheck, maybe take an extra job (or two) and we can be part of that "successful" oligarchy, too!

You take a million people in this city - and statistically - the one tenth of one percent is 100 people owning more than the 999,900 put together (wealth - not income). Of course, we can't do that in a literal way in our city - but that should bring it home. Though, we could pretty much come up a list of close to 100 if pressed.
You must be talking about China.... lol