Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
no problem METRO (et al), Ill keep the neg press comin'. What are friends for.?

There's lots of it up here, the Sonics' losing is only helping OKC's cause. Even booster SONIC fans know the teams will move to OKC, many even think like us - that it will happen this year. Some are holding out and pitching dirt on OKC/jealous - but they are mostly trying to "blame" someone instead of looking at it from a realistic point-of-view.

I think Bennett has given Seattle WAY TOO MUCH respect and consideration with regard to the Sonics. How many other ownership groups will sit and lose money in a market just to "save face" or "save the face of the market it's leaving".??

Hopefully OKC can get one of the top draft pix for 2007.
Well it certainly wouldn't be a local player...Geez

Would be funny if Durant w/ the Horns gets picked by the Sonics