Yes, I picked the "Health & Fitness" section to post about Makeup.

That is because I've been battling acne for years, NO I haven't seen a dermatologist cuz I'm poor people like that I also have a purple-redish birthmark on my face as well as freckles that I try to cover up. My skin is obviously sensitive and prone to break-outs. I've done the "diet-change," drink more water, get more sleep, try to be less stressed--because according to the entire world THAT'S why I have acne problems. I've even used that ProActive stuff and it Destroyed my face, as well as some MaryKay and Avon Products.

I keep turning toward this product that YES I've seen on daytime TV infomercials.

Bare Minerals

Has anyone used this Mineral Makeup? Is it really as good as it appears to be?

I don't want to spend $60 on something that's not gonna improve my skin condition. I firmly believe that a more beautiful Outer Me will cheer up the Inner Me and maybe I will be a lil more confident in meeting new people.