Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
Everyone a few years out of college knows everything and has all the answers. That's part of "growing up" if you will. But you take this phenomenon to new heights. You don't have to have an answer for every negative post about the energy industry, Phi.

Some of us have decades (too many) of experience watching how the Oil & Gas moguls have an entitlement mind in this state, and how they usually get their way. This stuff with Harold Hamm just goes to show - again - that millionaires and billionaires expect their money to influence decisions they have no business being involved in. From Robert S. Kerr on we have seen this in Oklahoma. Hamm's comment that he's going to contact Mary Fallin about having OU stripped of its position as host of the OGS is typical tycoon tyranny.
And according to your posts it would seem that people a few years out of school don't know anything and that people your age know everything almost infallibly. What I lack in age, I more than make up for in exposure to the industry. I'm sorry but there is nothing that you can post or send me in 4 page long private messages that will make me believe you have any more knowledge of the industry than I do. Despite what you seem to think, I'm well aware of the history of the oil and gas industry both in this state and abroad...good and bad. You don't have to personally live through every minute of history to understand it. Again, your posts prove that you are just as biased against the industry as I am toward it.

That's great that you've seen corruption in the energy industry, I never said that it doesn't exist and certainly have not said that there has never been corruption in the industry, but that also doesn't mean the entire industry and everyone in it is unethical which was the blanket claim I took issue with in JC's post. I never defended Harold Hamm's actions or said that he hasn't made unethical decisions, but that doesn't make the entire industry unethical.

I certainly don't have an answer to every negative post about the energy industry, nor do I claim to, but I almost always have a valid argument against them (especially the more off-base posts) from the industry supportive perspective, whether you agree with that argument or not.