I got bored after spending an entire day combing through the Claritas market segmentation reports and decided to look up various spots in OKC. One thing we talk about is how OKC is incredibly mixed and varied, at least in terms of demographics, with no real concentration of any single demographic trend in one area. This is simply why upscale retailers are more prone to pulling the trigger on Tulsa, usually locating in Midtown, rather than take a chance on OKC. I think this idea originated from Pete, who has significant commercial real estate experience. Richard Florida recently corroborated this in Segregated City, concluding that OKC is one of the 10 least income-segregated large metros. Just to be clear, this is obviously a huge positive and put differently makes OKC one of the nation's most equitable metros, along with the likes of Portland, San Jose, and Seattle. However, for real estate and economic development, this is a huge demographic hurdle that OKC has to overcome when making a pitch.

So I was curious and looked up downtown OKC's ZIP codes, 73102 and 73104. 73102 has around 2,500 residents and 73104 has 1,800, and both have average household incomes of $25,000. If you didn't know those areas, you would have reservations about investing in an area like that. 73170 (Westmoore area) has 40,000 residents and household incomes in excess of $80,000. Most large metros will have a concentration of several ZIPs that exceed 100K in household income. Not even Edmond, due to some apartments and UCO students.

PRIZM > Market Segmentation Research, Tools, Market Segment Research, - Market Segments, Consumer Markets, Customer Segmentation Profiling

Downtown was especially intriguing, and makes me wonder if their data is outdated. I know for a fact that OKC's downtown population is almost double the 4,300 residents that the market segmentation data is showing, and I would imagine that the incomes are very high. This is one example of a larger disconnect between commercial and housing circles within the development/planning world. A housing needs assessment or supply analysis would add up all of the housing units that Pete has. Or perhaps people are buying or leasing second homes, and file their census elsewhere? Something has to explain this disconnect.

Downtown Housing Summary - OKCTalk

5,023 total downtown dwelling units. We know the occupancy and rental rates are very good, too. You would think downtown should be an emerging retail market.