As an alternative to the log-rolling style of voting on MAPS how about this?

Each project will be it's own line item on the ballot and the ballot will specify the total funds required. Any project receiving 40% approval will be considering passing and receive MAPS funding. Once the tax started being collected each project will receive an equal share of the penny. When a project reaches its full funding the 'equal share' gets recalculated and distributed to the remaining projects. This means the least expensive projects get fully funded first and the most expensive projects last (but would be on an accelerated funding track as less expensive projects drop off). Projects can start spending their money as soon as they have enough to buy something with it.

Of course this method might mean that some projects don't get funded but so be it. If 40% seems too high then pick any threshold that seems reasonable. On the other hand, there would be no more MAPS timelines that favor one project over another or delays in one project effecting all the others. In addition - the tax would expire when the funding level is met, not some arbitrary duration set 7 or 8 years in advance which may or may not produce the required funds.