Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
Did they admit that, heretofore, most of the work done on the convention center has been a mistake of a noteworthy scale? Did they admit that they vastly underestimated property values? Have they admitted that they have been anything but upfront and transparent with even the city freaking council?

There is a very wide spectrum of posters on this board, and an even wider array of opinion espoused by said posters. Posters are sometimes even going to go "too far" with a thought or opinion so as to make a claim of something they aren't that serious about. It's the nature of the internet. But to use the radical end of the opposite side of the spectrum to dismiss the valid points of that whole same side is ridiculous. There are too many people on this forum who are well informed and reasonably objective and rational, Pete being chief among them, who are trying to raise concerns in the most public and far-reaching forum (internet or otherwise) this City has and the response from those involved is "Go home, you're drunk"?
I think any dismissiveness of "posters on this site" is indicative of a problem we have in this city. It is paternalistic and allows the powers that be to justify any decision made. While there are people in decision-making capacities that are incredibly knowledgeable, there are also plenty who want what they want because it's what they want, and it would be interesting to hear how complex and educated their reasoning is, were we allowed to question them directly.

We have some very knowledgeable people posting here, and regardless, public opinion should have some part in the political process.