Okay, there has been much talk about extending the Bricktown canal. Obviously, plans are in the works to extend the south canal closer to Zone G (which dumps into the river)....they couldn't connect though due to elevational differences. Also, there are plans to loop the canal from south of Reno, around in front of the UHaul Building, under Reno, and back to the starting point.

What are your ideas for canal extensions?
I've mentioned this before, but personally, I'd like to see an extension go under EK Gaylord, then flow in between the Ford Center and Cox Center (where Reno current is), then flow a ways north and west, directly into the ponds at the Myriad Gardens! I think it would be pretty cool seeing water taxis flow under the Crystal Bridge. Also, later it could be extended over through the Arts District.

Any other ideas?