The below story is not mine, but I thought it was an interesting story and thought I would share. What are your thoughts?

The Story of My Rebellion

This is my personal experience of being rebellious towards my Disciple of Christ parents. I like to draw anime, however they believe it is against our faith. As such, they tell me that I can't draw it anymore. Or do anything related to it either. That means I can't use one of my favorite programs, MMD (MikuMikuDance), anymore. No big deal, but still. I really loved doing these things.
We were just leaving our Bible Study on Tuesday, going to the library to pick up a few books that I'd be interested in. Things such as Japanese Phrasebooks, things on the culture, and a “How to draw Chibis” book. Once we got to the library, I picked up the books, and sat down to read and look at them. Opening up the Chibi book, thoughts such as “OMG! THE CHIBI IS SO CUTE” crossed my mind. After awhile, I got up to go check out. Once I met up with my parents at the checkout register, they took the Chibi book from my hands, and told the librarian “We don't want this anymore.”
I asked “What, yes I do! Why wouldn't I?” They said we could talk later. So I stormed out, pouting in the back of our truck, waiting for an explanation. Once they got there, they completely brushed me and my questions off, ignoring them promptly.
Once I did get an answer, it was “We don't want you drawing anime, watching anime, or having anything to do with anime because of it's dark background.” After thinking about it for awhile, I asked, “What does that mean for MMD?” They replied with, “Is that Anime?” I said yes. “Well then, you'll have to get rid of it.” At that point, we were in the parking lot of Aldi, a store near us. I was sitting in the backseat of our truck, and tried to bust out of it. My mom grabbed my ankle, but I thought she had my shoe, and took it off. Realizing she had my ankle, I pried her fingers off of it, and started walking the 2+ miles home.
With one foot bare, I got to the corner, and took off the other shoe, and started walking again. My parents started following me, trying to get me back in the vehicle. I ignored them, and kept walking, until they pulled ahead of me, and stopped me in my tracks. I turned around, still ignoring them. I started walking the opposite direction. Yet again, I was stopped in my tracks, but this time by the police. He told me to sit on the curb, after asking if the woman at the end of the street was my mom, and asking where my shoe was. The officer and my parents had a short chat, and my parents said, “Our pastor is on the way.” FANTASTIC, I thought.
So, after not looking at the officer, but answering his questions, our pastor finally arrived. He told me that I was being EXTREMELY disrespectful to the officer, and after some coaxing, got me to look at him. At this point, I was thinking, “What did I just do?” For the pastor, AND a couple of officers to be involved, anyone diving by probably thought really horrible things.
The pastor and the officer both said “You have to go with someone, you can't stay here” a few times. I wasn't really listening. I started listening when the pastor crouched down to my level, and started talking to me. This was significant because he was in a car accident a couple of months ago, and has been having horrible back pains due to a herniated disk. It doesn't hurt him going down, but it was impossible to get back up by himself. He told me I didn't want to go with the officers, and that it didn't look like I wanted to go with my parents, so he asked me if I would go with him.
After thinking about it, I said “okay”, got up, walked over to the officer, apologized for being a bother, and entered the pastors car. He was at dinner, and asked if I would like anything. I said, “No thanks”, and we went on to talk about trivia things, such as what does “Good for life” mean. After awhile, he asked what types of foods I liked, and I said, “There are two categories. meal, and desserts.” He said, “I like your thinking on this.” I went on to say that I like pasta as a meal, and ice cream as a dessert. He said, “Well, that's awesome, because we were going to get ice cream after this. And you just have to get some with us.” It seemed I wasn't going to be able to decline this one... not that I'd want to. So I went to get ice cream with the pastor, his wife, and son.
After getting ice cream, they took me home, where the horrible ending ensues. It seems my parents had time to cool off and think of punishment for my behavior. I was to be grounded from computer and phone for two months (aside from school, unfortunately), and was to throw away all of my anime drawings, delete all of my MMD things, and also stop talking to one of my best friends.
In the end, being rebellious did absolutely NOTHING for me, but make me have nothing to do. Nothing I enjoy as much as the computer, that is. I kinda just sit around at home, moodily reading books, and sulking, because not long after I got grounded, they said the whole family is “Taking a break” from media, for a minimum of two months.
In conclusion, I'd like to give a word of advice to children my age, and possibly younger. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT rebel against your parents. Ever. Trust me, and my experience when we tell you, the first outcome, the one where you don't rebel, and just take it in stride, that's the better option.