From the headlines on the Daily today:

They plan to lay a 29-mile pipeline connecting the Lake Stanley Draper treatment plant with a booster station at W Reno Avenue and N Council Road, and another 7 miles of pipeline to connect the booster station with an elevated tank on Cemetery Road south of W Reno Avenue.

That pipeline will improve the ability to move water from where it’s most plentiful to residents in other areas, said Larry Hare, an engineer with the city’s utilities department.

“Trying to get water to everybody is our No. 1 priority,” Hare said. “We’re always looking for ways to get this done.”

The project is a part of the city’s five-year capital improvement plan. City officials said the plan’s overall price tag isn’t yet known, but about 75 percent of the pipeline project has been completed at a cost of $67 million.

I know a rate hike, including staggered rates for more use, was passed to fund capital improvements recently, but I'm amazed to find out they moved this fast on the pipeline if this is part of that, especially it it is actually 75% complete. I've seen a lot of activity around that station on Reno NW of the outlet mall and now I know what that's about. Part of the capital improvements were to construct a pipeline between Draper and Hefner. I assume this pipeline just takes some of the load off the Hefner/Overholser system and the actual connect all the way to Hefner will be later?