Some stuff I get when searching Oklahoma on forums and Google:

a response regarding the Tallahassee area:

Are there cities that the region should emulate in order to improve the local quality of life? Why those cities?
Austin, Texas, Sacramento, Ca., Little Rock, Ark, Oklahoma City, OK. These are very successful Capital Cities who have leveraged there natural assets to create vibrant growing communities that truly represent their states.

regarding Shreveport getting Cantina Laredo:

Just look at the cities they are in. They are in Scottsdale AZ, Plantation and Ft Meyers FL, Branson MO, Oklahoma City OK, then of course Austin, Dallas and Houston TX. I think adding Shreveport to that list is pretty cool.

discussing "the South's next rising stars":

In my opinion, the 2nd tier of Southern cities consists of Austin, Birmingham, Charlotte, Jacksonville, Louisville, Memphis, Nashville, New Orleans, Norfolk, Oklahoma City, Orlando, Richmond, Tampa, and San Antonio. Raleigh and Tulsa are on the verge of being included in this group.

on whether OKC is a southern city:

Oklahoma City is much more a Southwestern city, like Dallas, San Antonio or Denver. It has the same scrape and build new, bigger is better ethos and a can do no matter what spirit. It's a massively sprawling city sparkling new 'burbs, a huge rotting center of older areas and a nice new downtown party district. There are few trees but lots of wide open spaces.
guess who said that last one...