Quote Originally Posted by pickles View Post
Breaking: Area journalists incredulous, snarky on Twitter.
As a West Coast transplant (and admitted Trader Joe's lover) I find the Okie reaction to this announcement amusing. Because of the location (I think) there is a knee-jerk assumption that Trader Joes' is expensive (It's not). This brings out the innate OKC cheapskate which all natives have buried somewhere inside them. I've already seen people sneering about TJ's and how snobby and expensive it is, which is hilarious.

On the other side of the spectrum there are people excited but, having no TJs experience, they don't know why, exactly, they are excited. BUT MORE MORE MORE! YAY!!!!!

Here's what I recommend: withhold judgment until they open. Go inside. See for yourself.

I think people will be surprised. TJs is really not going to live up to anyone's expectations, good or bad. It is just different. Not for everyone, but different. I like it.