Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
Idea = Brilliant

Longevity as industry leader under current leadership = Incompetent

What types of drivers will be representing Uber with the reality it only pays $6-$12/hr after expenses in markets with constant fare reductions?

I personally think they should have stayed with Uber as being a step up from a Taxi in all ways - price, quality, professionalism.

They are quickly becoming the Walmart of ridesharing - and not in a good way.

If I was Lyft I would capitalize on all the things Uber is doing wrong. In our market I'd start servicing the Edmond area (believe it or not, they don't right now). I'd also play up the fact they actually meet their driver's and actually take a ride with them before ever putting them on the road. I wouldn't compete on price, I'd compete on quality - something Uber will not be able to sustain. Give the public the feeling a ride with Lyft is a 'safer', 'cooler' ride than with Uber. Problem right now though is, many Lyft driver's also drive for Uber.
It'll vary driver to driver.

The supplement Uber drivers I get are always awesome. These are your retired old guys who are bored, mid $30,000 guys just wanting some extra vacation money, etc.

The full time drivers will be in a squeeze.

Like Krisb said, it really should be for supplemental/fun money. Not as a career.

There's a retired guy around 63rd and Portland who drives a 2014 730 BMW. He drives because he is generally bored and wants something to do and way to write off his ridiculous car payment lol.