Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
I think most know I have never been a cynical person and always try to see both sides of any issue.

But with the recent happenings around the Preftakes Block, I an now 100% convinced that demolitions will never be stopped.

And even if we got some new committee or council members who wanted to take a firm stance, I don't think they would be successful. Due to the well-established track record and precedents, any owner that was denied demolition would almost certainly find relief in court, making an easy case for inequitable treatment.

So, where does that leave us? I'll tell you where: Completely at the mercy of what property owners choose to do.

Considering we are dealing with an ownership group that seems to still involve a recently convicted felon who is being sued all over the place and generally regarded as a world-class sleazeball, I'm not going to assume anything.
I think you would see the city ed that building before a First National (tower) demo were to happen