1) You are driving down a main city street in the middle of the day. You come up on a stalled vehicle, and there is an attractive lady by the vehicle waving at you to stop. Do you stop and help her, do you call 911 and report a stranded motorist, or do you just go on?

2) You are going through the check out stand at a 7-11, and you purchase $6.75 worth of merchandise. You give the clerk a $10.00 bill and he/she hands you back change for a $20. You know they gave you too much change back. Do you give the money back to the clerk, or do you write it off as stupidity on the clerks part and keep the money?

3) You are in Target, Wal-Mart, or another department store and you witness someone shoplifting. Do you find the nearest employee and report this to them, or do you just walk out of the store because you don't want to get involved.

4) You are working at your job and notice a co-worker stealing from your employer. Do you report this employee, or do you turn and look the other way?