Quote Originally Posted by td25er View Post
I don't understand smokers. "Yeah let's pay ridiculously high prices to smell bad and slowly kill ourselves."
I was a pack-a-day smoker until last year. It's something never-smokers don't understand but it is one of the most addicting things and it is actually very enjoyable. Also when you are a smoker you don't notice the smell. From the perspective of a smoker getting that nicotine buzz is worth the health risks. I think the social stigma though is slowly but surely pushing more younger people to quit. They say if you quit by the time you hit 30, your chances of lung cancer isn't much higher than non-smokers. Now that I have quit I hate going to smoking bars. I wonder at what point bar owners will go non-smoking on their own. I would think we are getting to a point where smoking pushes away potential customers more than it attracts. Most smokers have no problem going out on the patio for a cigarette, but most non-smokers can't stand to be in a smoke-filled bar.