When did the social and business convention of simply not returning calls and emails become acceptable? Email has been around for a long time now and most get dozens of messages every single day. Also, lots of calls and texts.

It was always my thought that not returning a communication within 24 hours was exceptionally rude. But clearly, the world has changed so much that often messages just never get returned at all, or at best you hear back in a few days or a week.

And from a business standpoint, I was always told (and I always made sure the people I managed followed) that 1 business day was the absolute maximum for replying to any communication.

It's just so bizarre to me. It doesn't take any less time to respond in a week than it does today. In fact, it takes more time because you have to save the message, think about it, and then go back and find it and then respond.

I would say it's a generational thing but most my contemporaries have adopted the “only do it when I feel like it” approach as well.

And “I'm busy at work” or “I don't know XXX yet” are not excuses for not quickly responding with THAT answer and then following up when you can. If you've read/heard a message, you are in a position to respond that will only take seconds.

Yes, there are more ways to communicate these days but that doesn't mean that when someone specifically reaches out to you in a way where a response is expected, that it's any less important to provide the basic civility of a timely reply.

Technology and courtesy need not be mutually exclusive.

P.S. In the rare instance I haven't provided a prompt response, I deeply apologize. Things do slip through the cracks but I endeavor to hit 100% and probably only achieve 99%.