mranderson, what qualification do you have that makes you think you are "ligit". From everything i have read from you, you are a pessimistic, anti-texan, okc is god kinda guy.
I have grown up in OKC all of my life. I go to dallas monthly with my wife. I hate to say it, but until OKC is even 1/4 the size of dfw metro, or has even 1/4th the commerce, or even 1/4 the population, or even 1/4 the sports teams, or even on and so on...until all of that happens, we will continue to look at them for a model. thats what you do in life, you find someone or something that is doing what you want to do better, and figure out why and mold your system to work more like that one.
I like OKC how it is and where its going, but it's definitly no dallas!