I couldn't help but note in today's Seattle times print edition where they had an article about Seattle being a very white city. I find this interesting because Seattle has a stereotype/image of being multicultural but the stats are farthest from this. I tried to find the digital version of the story to no success but Tacoma radio station KPLU had a similar article with the same stats, so I'll post that instead.

Why is Seattle such a white city? | I Wonder Why ... ? from KPLU

1) Portland 72.2% (holy cow)
2) Colorado Springs 70.7%
3) Louisville 68.3%
4) Omaha 68%
5) Seattle 66.3%


Tulsa 57.9%
13) Oklahoma City 56.7%
Nashville 56.3%
Jacksonville 55.1%
KCMO 54.9%
Denver 52.2%
Austin 48.7%

Interesting to note is that not only is Seattle 66.3% white but the percent white is increasing YoY. King County, not including Seattle, is not that much different, also significantly above 60% (but a little more diverse that the city). This is interesting because it reverses the trend nationwide AND significantly discounts a commonly help misperception that coastal cities are quite diverse.

Now, I must confirm that Seattle is very integrated with segmentation based on economics and NOT race. But this was an interesting finding to me and there does seem to be a lack of visible diversity here in the US Pac NW (Vancouver, that's a totally different story). Also interesting is Portland OR is the MOST white city in the US.

Anybody else surprised by this study? Thoughts?