Got a question really aimed more at the legal beagle/insurance crowd...
Getting ready for that phase where teenagers are driving (yikes). Doing some reading on insurance and liability and all that rot, and have seen some varying opinions on different ways to handle the situation, and I'm officially confused. I'd be interested in some opinions particularly as issues might relate to Oklahoma law...
* I've read some posts/articles/discussions (whatever you want to call them) that suggest cars driven by teenagers should be titled exclusively to the teenager and separately insured, protecting the parent(s) assets in the event of a liability issue. Others have said that doesn't do any good if the teenager isn't on their own and truly self-sufficient. Still others say it depends on the state.
* Some have suggested that in addition to regular liability insurance, parents and/or kids should carry an umbrella policy that kicks in beyond the limits of the vehicle insurance. I was surprised to find out that $1M in umbrella insurance isn't terribly expensive.
* Still others have said that anyone in a household is covered automatically, and that some states forbid insurance companies from explicitly requiring teenagers to be added "separately" although they make it sound like you have to. That all sounded very dodgy to me.
* Another suggestion is not to let them drive/have a car. That, I'm afraid, isn't going to be an option logistically with work and school transportation requirements I can foresee
* I don't have millions of dollars of assets to protect - home, rainy day savings, etc, stuff like that, so I'm not looking to overinsure myself. Just looking for ideas on what constitutes the smartest/most reasonable path going forward.