See a lot of stories about expansions and reports of increasing activity at this port, so it must be doing really good.

Tulsa Port opens cranes project for bid, reports September shipping

Plans to renovate an existing crane and construct a new, additional crane at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa will soon be up for bid, the port authority’s board of directors decided Thursday morning.

The six members of the Tulsa-Rogers County Port Authority who were present at Thursday’s monthly meeting voted unanimously to open up for bid plans to renovate the port’s existing 200-ton crane and construct a new 300-ton crane.

The project will go out to bid this month, said Bradley Banks, operations manager for the port.

The first advertisement will run Oct. 21 in the Claremore Progress, and the ad will continue to run each Tuesday until Nov. 4.

A mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. Nov. 6 in the Port Authority conference room. Bids are due by 9 a.m. Nov. 18.

Staff intend to go to the board with a low bid before Thanksgiving, Banks said.

The project will refurbish the existing 200-ton crane on the main dock bridge with parts that include new hoist motors and drive wheels. The 300-ton crane that will be built close by will include features such as a wider berth that will allow an extended barge capacity.

- read more here: Tulsa Port opens cranes project for bid, reports September shipping - Tulsa World: Transportation