Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
That's easier said than done.

I'm guessing you've never managed people. Sometimes problems don't reveal themselves until you are actually up and running. That's why a lot of places have "soft openings" and the like. Its usually during those times you can make corrections.
Nope, never managed people, but like you said, that's why they have soft openings - figure it out then, before you're really open. Not sure we disagree...

To me, it'd be like opening a retail store before you have all your shelves up and merchandise on them, or not having cash registers, or starting a project with a due date, but not knowing the requirements or having the staff to do it (I'm in IT, and I've been a victim of the last situation before, but it becomes clear you're going to miss the date, so you push the date out, you don't just put something half-assed into production). Anyway, we might eventually make it there, sounds like a good place, but not sure if it comes ahead of the other 40 places on our to-eat list that we haven't eaten at yet.