I wonder if not accepting the ACA is hurting the state more than people thought.

Leaders at the state’s Medicaid agency say the organization needs at least $164 million additional state dollars for the next fiscal year to maintain the existing program.

The Oklahoma Health Care Authority presented its 2016 fiscal year budget request during its board meeting Thursday, outlining agency leaders’ concerns about the next budget cycle.

The agency plans to request $275 million additional state dollars — $164 million of which it says it must have to maintain the program at its current level — on top of the $953 million that the authority receives in base funding.

The authority has four budget priorities that make up the $164 million request: replacing lost federal funding; a 4 percent anticipated growth in the program; a federal mandate for an in-house administrative law judge; and replacement of one-time carryover money, $61 million from the state Legislature.

Oklahoma Medicaid leaders say agency needs at least $164 million additional state dollars for next fiscal year | News OK