Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
Nothing (good or bad) that the police do really surprises me anymore. Some are good guys but I think the power hungry jerks outnumber the good guys. It also isn't limited to OKC, I think it is pretty much the standard everywhere. There's pretty much a weekly story about some bad cop here in Denver about Denver PD or DCSD, a few other stories about bad behavior in the suburban agencies. It is almost a daily occurrence in Houston and weekly in Austin.

The profession tends to attract more "bad apples" than good people and that is a strain on the ones trying to do good.
Yeah . . . It's a tough row to hoe . . .
This one scarred me for life back when I was about 9 years old.
Exposé of Police Burglaries Marked City's 'Year of Shame' - The Denver Post

Can you begin to imagine how tough it is in a time when there is that whole Black Asphalt/[Desert GravySnow or whatever] for profit Training Crusade going on encouraging peace officers to become highway robbers? It's nearly as difficult to make sense of as the confusion documented by Monty Python starring Dennis More. Or Moore. And knowing the difference between lupins and jewelry. =)

btw: that study done (referred to, in passing on that other thread on this subject) says that there are no "bad apples" there are only "apples" and all "apples" will turn bad when given the opportunity to do so via "bad laws".

I'm not sure if this is a paradox or a conundrum. May even an enigma.