The University of Central Oklahoma is moving forward with plans to open classrooms in the heart of downtown.
A building permit application was recently submitted to finish out 8,400 square feet on the building's lower level.
UCO plans to use the space to expand their presence by reaching out to working adults with a broad range of lower division, upper division and graduate courses.
Offerings would be aimed at those seeking to complete degrees and certificates as well as general professional development and industry-specific training.
Carnegie Centre is a redevelopment of the old downtown library on the N.E. corner of Dean A. McGee and Robinson. Developer Judy Hatfield completed the 19 residential apartments several months ago and lives in the building herself.
Space on the ground floor has been leased to Nourished, a food counseling and nutrition bar, Udander Spa and an art gallery, which are all under construction with likely opening dates set for later this year.
These classrooms will join UCO's Academy of Contemporary Music, which opened several years ago in Bricktown, and will be the third new downtown educational facility in the last year: OCU Law School is set to open soon and the John Rex Elementary school welcomed it's first students this August.