Best And Worst Places For Business 2014 - In Photos: Best And Worst Places For Business 2014 - Forbes

Forbes rated the 200 largest metro areas in the U.S. on a dozen factors related to jobs, costs (business and living), income growth, quality of life and education of the labor force. Forbes uses data from economic research firm Moody's Analytics, the U.S. Census and demographer Bert Sperling, who runs Sperling's BestPlaces. These places ranked at the top and bottom when gauging their business climates.
1. Raleigh
2. Des Moines
3. Provo
4. Denver
5. Ft. Collins
6. Lincoln
7. OKC
8. Salt Lake City
9. Seattle
10. Nashville
11. Ogden
12. Charlotte
13. Dallas
14. Atlanta
15. Houston
16. San Antonio
17. Minneapolis
18. San Francisco
19. Austin
20. Greeley