Nothing really new. They tore out the median last week. Main show starts this weekend.


On Friday, July 18, 2014, Allen Contracting, under contract with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), will shift traffic to the north side of State Highway 9. The shift will allow the south side of State Highway 9 to be reconstructed. Signs will be placed to direct traffic through the construction zone. Drivers should use extra caution when driving through the area.

Currently, at the intersection of State Highway 9 and John Saxon Boulevard, the traffic signals are on fixed timers until the new traffic signals are installed. In addition, the exclusive left turn lanes have been removed for the remainder of the construction project. Because there are no left turn lanes, the traffic signals will only allow traffic movements in one direction at a time in order to provide traffic with a protected left turn at the intersections off State Highway 9 with 24th Avenue SE, Technology Place and John Saxon Boulevard. For this reason, traffic has been delayed and more congested at these intersections in recent weeks.
To provide temporary relief to traffic, beginning in the first week of August 2014, new traffic signals equipped with video detection systems will be installed at the three intersections listed above. After the new traffic signals are installed, the amount of time dedicated to each leg of an intersection will be based on the amount of traffic detected in each direction. This will improve travel times by reducing potential unnecessary red lights to traffic traveling on State Highway 9.

Construction of the State Highway 9 Project from 24th Avenue SE to 36th Avenue SE began Monday, July 7, 2014. This is a $9.5 million construction project awarded to Allen Contracting of Oklahoma City. This is the first phase of the State Highway 9 Widening Project. The project should be completed no later than April 2015 but the contract includes a 90 day contract incentive clause and could be completed as soon as January 2015. The project includes widening from two lanes to four lanes with a center median from 1,300 feet west of 24th Avenue SE to 1,300 feet east of 36th Avenue SE, storm water improvements, replacement of traffic signals at the intersections of 24th Avenue SE, Technology Place and John Saxon Boulevard and a new traffic signal at the intersection of State Highway 9 and 36th Avenue SE.

Additional questions may be directed to Mr. Josh Malwick, City of Norman Capital Projects Engineer at (405)366-5454 or