Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
I have guns, lots of them. Hidden in places around the house, but let me say a few things here.

Having a security system is much more safe than not having one.

Having guns will protect a lot more than a phone will(if you break in my house, I'm shooting you. I don't believe in killing unless it's absolutely necessary, but I will be putting a round into your leg first).

Secondly, that show that was mentioned, the chances of someone with that amount of skill breaking into your house is almost zero. Most criminals aren't exactly rocket scientist or they wouldn't be criminals in the first place.

Also, as with any crime, even murder is easy to get away if you do it right.
Did you read my sentence right after the one you bolded? I don't disagree, but when people use the gun as a reason for not having a security system, it makes no logical sense. They have to leave their house at some point and the guns will do no good when they're not home. I also agree about the security system - I guess that was really my whole point.