Heavens to Betsy Claire
(a dreadful poem in six stanzas)

South of Stage Center
a vortex you enter
of claims that contend
for possible ends:

Could a giant parking garage
simply be a crafty mirage
to distract and divest us
as Stage Center's digested?

Just a case of 'staged' misdirection
by OGE, OCURA or like acronym collection
to beguile and enchant-us
as Johansen's art is decanted?

Shall Dunn's little office
make developers cautious
of raising a tower so soaring
it makes Devon's seem ... boring?

Will California be reopened?
Will "eminent domain" be spoken?
Can a million upon Mr. Dunn rained
make him exit to the south of Spain?

Can the Superblock ever be displaced?
Will the Arts Festival find new space?
and although you may justly call me a varlet:
"really, will any of this ever make us as good as Charlotte?".

I realize I risk being banned, but duuude, sometimes you just got to flow.